Linear PickLine

Linear PickLine presents a streamlined and sophisticated solution, offering truss plants the ability to store various lumber sizes and retrieve them effortlessly without relying on forklifts. Our innovative system empowers lumber pickers to inspect, crown, and assess for knots and wane before the lumber reaches the saws. By ensuring the delivery of quality lumber to the saws, Linear PickLine drives up production, enhances throughput, and minimizes labor requirements. Whether you require a small batch or a large order, Linear PickLine stands as the swiftest and most efficient method for feeding a component saw.

With Linear PickLine, forklifts are only utilized when loading a full bunk of lumber. This strategic approach not only reduces wear and tear on forklifts but also slashes maintenance costs.

For facilities with even higher volume demands, our dual Linear PickLines offer a convenient solution. By enabling the simultaneous loading of two or more saws from the same lumber inventory, dual PickLines maintain the benefits of forklift reduction while further optimizing the storage footprint of lumber within your facility. Experience heightened efficiency and space optimization with Linear PickLine, setting new standards in lumber handling for truss plants.

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