The “Laminator” has the capacity of producing 3 or 4 ply columns up to 40 foot in length from 2”x 6”, 2”x 8”, or 2”x 10” boards. The hydraulic pressing clamps secure the entire length of the post on all four sides during the assembly and computerized nailing process to ensure that the plies are kept tightly together producing a straight & true laminated column. Each clamp supplies 3000psi to straighten the boards and simultaneously sandwiches them together with 400psi. The nailing cycle is only about one minute for a 30’ column.
Fully treated laminated posts are more decay-resistant when compared to solid sawn ones because of their thinner treated plies, but “Economy” columns may also be produced by using a combination of treated and un-treated lumber for below-ground and above ground sections. Lumber may simply be staggered during the assembly process or pre-spliced together. Columns can even be made to “cradle” or “capture” trusses for better support & unity.
Many options are available such as length capacity, ejection and handling systems, and accessory equipment for planing, finger-jointing, and plating, etc.
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Salter Associates, Inc.
POB 813651
Smyrna, GA 30081
Phone: 770-434-1006